For you personally

Depending on your age and life situation, you may have different questions: What should I study and which profession should I choose? How can I be successful in my job and have a reasonably balanced family life? What does it mean to take over my family business – especially for my relationship with my parents? Does my life still suits me? Or do I have to chance something? Here are some of the course we offer:

Retreat for leaders
… if you feel that you need some time off to reflect and get some new inspiration and energy.

Intensive seminar for professionals
… if you are between your late 20s and mid 40s and leadership is an issue for you.

Academy Leadership and Personality
… if you are between 23 and 29 years old and want to make a career in a company, found your own start-up or begin to work in your family business.

Succession within a family business
… if you are considering working within your family business or have already taken the first steps to do so. Or if you have founded a family business and are unsure whether your children should come into the business.

As a non-profit organization the Institute for Philosophy and Leadership uses all its earnings for the education and personal development of young people with exceptional leadersip talent.